Thai Culture Facts
The Shelter is a drug rehabilitation home for men with the purpose of helping drug and alcohol addicts to be free of drugs, and disciple them to become followers of Jesus Christ. Our team of staff consists of 4 men and 2 women, and we can house up to 8 men at any time. As staff we reside with the members in a home where we foster a family environment – providing personal counseling and training up in the knowledge of the Lord, as well as in self-discipline and life skills. Through prayer and counseling we help members to receive inner healing. Activities we do together in our home environment include worshiping the Lord, doing house chores, reading the Bible, home-schooling to prepare for further conventional schooling, playing sports, games and occasionally going on field trips. With the moral decline in Thai society, we’ve found that in the past 3-4 years most addicts who came into our home were between 18-30 years of age. Their youth signifies a trend that in the future drugs and other societal problems will likely increase and be prolonged. Your team can participate in the daily program, interact with members and build them up in music, teaching English or other skills. There is also a possibility to visit slums and build relationship with drug addicts and share the love of God with them. Check out our website for more info: