who we are

Youth With A Mission Thailand is part of a family of ministries of Youth With A Mission International



Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, traditions and backgrounds who are dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. 

Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known. Back when we began in 1960, our main focus was to help youth get involved in missions.

Today, we still focus on youth and we also include people of all ages. We currently have tens of thousands of staff (called “YWAMers”) from nearly every country, including places like Indonesia, Nepal, Mozambique, and Colombia.

A Family

Of Ministries

We reach out in 180+ countries through three main areas — Evangelism, Training and Mercy Ministry.

Our ministries cover every sphere of society, including ship-based medical care, performing arts teams, Bible training programs, business coaching, sports ministries, anti-trafficking work, and many more.

YWAM functions as a family of ministries rather than a centralized agency. 



YWAM Thailand is part of the YWAM Global Family of Ministries. Although we share the same Foundational Values, Purpose and Beliefs, we have a unique Mission and Vision that we believe God has called us to impart here in Thailand.


YWAM Thailand is committed to expressing the Kingdom of God through training, evangelism and mercy ministries in partnership with local churches and other organizations.


Living the Kingdom, transforming lives, impacting the nations.



Youth With A Mission (YWAM) was first established in Thailand in 1972. In 1979, YWAM became involved in ministering to the many thousands of refugees from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, who were seeking shelter in Thailand. YWAM volunteers assisted refugees through medical care, vocational training, clothing distribution and other ways until 1995. In 1995, the refugee camps for indo-Chinese refugees were closed and the remaining refugees were repatriated to their home countries.

Presently YWAM has over 500 full time foreign and Thai staff, ministering in 23 locations.  

Our teams are involved in administration, distributing Christian music, training, evangelism, worship/music ministries, reaching out to university students, slum dwellers and the poor and needy of Thailand.



NOTE – This is a very basic overview of our history. God has been at work so much through YWAM Thailand that it would be impossible to share everything in His story here. Here are a few of the highlights and moments that helped set our course.

Purpose, Beliefs, Values


This document presents YWAM’s sincerely held purpose, core beliefs, foundational values and practices which have been compiled in response to specific directives given by God since YWAM’s beginning in 1960. They are recorded here in order to pass on to successive generations that which God has emphasized to us. This shared purpose and our YWAM beliefs and values are the guiding principles for both the past and future growth of our Mission. Some are common to all Christians everywhere; others are distinctive to Youth With A Mission. The combination of this purpose, beliefs, values and practices makes up the unique family characteristics of YWAM – our “DNA.” They are the framework we hold in high regard for they help us determine who we are, how we live and how we make decisions. A YWAMer is someone who has completed a YWAM Discipleship Training School and who joyfully embraces our Statement of Purpose, Core Beliefs, Foundational Values, Legacy Words and Covenants.



Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international movement of Christians from many denominations dedicated to presenting Jesus personally to this and future generations, to mobilizing as many as possible to help in this task, and to the training and equipping of believers for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are called to love, worship, and obey our Lord, to love and serve His body, the Church, to love all peoples everywhere, which includes presenting the whole Gospel for the whole person throughout the whole world.

We of Youth With A Mission believe in God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and that the Bible is God’s inspired and authoritative Word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God’s son; fully God and fully human; that people are created in God’s image; that He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ; that although all people have sinned and come short of God’s glory, God has made salvation possible through the incarnation, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ; that repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God’s initiative of grace toward us through the active ministry of the Holy Spirit; that God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth; and that the Holy Spirit’s power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ’s last commandments, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15 NLT) and ”Go and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19 NLT).

(YWAM Purpose last updated and approved by the Founders Circle in May 2020.)



Core Beliefs

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) affirms the Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God and the absolute reference point for every aspect of life and ministry. Based upon God’s Word, who He is, and His initiative of salvation through the atoning work of Jesus (His death, burial, and resurrection), the following responses are strongly emphasized in YWAM:


Worship: We are called to praise and worship God alone (Exo 20:2-3; Deu 6:4-5; 2Ki 17:35-39; 1Ch 16:28-30; Neh 8:2-10; Mar 12:29-30; Rom 15:5-13; Jud 24-25; Rev 5:6-14; Rev 19:5-8).

Holiness: We are called to lead holy and righteous lives that exemplify the nature and character of God (Lev 19:1-2; Psa 51:7-11; Jer 18:1-11; Eze 20:10-12; Zec 13:9; Luk 1:68 75; Eph 4:21-32; Tit 2:11-14; 1Pe 2:9,21-25; 1Jo 3:1-3).

Witness: We are called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him (Psa 78:1-7; Isa 40:3-11; Mic 4:1-2; Hab 2:14; Luk 24:44-48; Act 3:12-26; Act 10:39-43; 1Co 9:19-23; 2Co 2:12-17; 1Pe 3:15-18).

Prayer: We are called to engage in intercessory prayer for the people and causes on God’s heart, including standing against evil in every form (Gen 18:20-33; Exo 32:1-16; Jdg 3:9,15; 1Ki 8:22-61; Eze 22:30-31; Eze 33:1-11; Mat 6:5-15; Mat 9:36-38; Eph 3:14 21; 2Th 3:1-5).

Fellowship: We are called to commit to the Church in both its local nurturing expression and its mobile multiplying expression (2Ch 29:20-30; Psa 22:25-28; Psa 122:1-4; Joe 2:15 17; Mat 18:19-20; Act 2:44-47; Act 4:32-35; 1Co 14:26-40; Eph 2:11-18; Heb 10:23-25).

Service: We are called to contribute toward God’s Kingdom purposes in every sphere of life (Deu 15:7-11; Deu 24:17-22; Psa 112:4-9; Pro 11:10-11; Zec 7:8-10; Mat 5:14-16; 2Th 3:13; Tit 3:4-8; Heb 13:15-16; Jam 2:14-26).

Foundational Values

YWAM is held togther by our DNA
At the core of our DNA we have these 18 values
that we live out through our lives and ministries

  • 01. Know God

    YWAM is committed to know God, His nature, His character and His ways as revealed in the Bible, the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We seek to reflect who He is in every aspect of our lives and ministry. The automatic overflow of knowing and enjoying fellowship with God is a desire to share Him with others. (2Ki 19:19; Job 42:5; Psa 46:10; Psa 103:7-13; Jer 9:23-24; Hos 6:3; Joh 17:3; Eph 1:16-17; Php 3:7-11; 1Jo 2:4-6)

  • 02. Make God Known

    YWAM is called to make God known throughout the whole world, and into every arena of society through evangelism, training and mercy ministries. We believe that salvation of souls should result in transformation of societies thus obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. (1Ch 16:24-27; Psa 68:11; Psa 71:15-16; Psa 145:4-7; Mat 28:18-20; Mar 16:15; Act 1:8; Act 13:1-4a; Rom 10:8-15; Rom 15:18-21)

  • 03. Hear God’s voice

    YWAM is committed to creating with God through listening to Him, praying His prayers and obeying His commands in matters great and small. We are dependent upon hearing His voice as individuals, together in team contexts and in larger gatherings, as an integral part of our process for decision making. (1Sa 3:7-10; 2Ch 15:2-4; Psa 25:14; Isa 6:8; Amo 3:7; Luk 9:35; Joh 10:1-5; Joh 16:13-15; Heb 3:7-8,15; Rev 2:7,11,17,27; 3:6,13,22)

  • 04. Practice worship and intercessory prayer

    YWAM is dedicated to worship God and engage in intercessory prayer as integral aspects of daily life. We also recognize the intent of Satan to destroy the work of God and we rely upon God’s empowering presence, the Holy Spirit, to overcome Satan’s strategies in the lives of individuals and in the affairs of nations. (1Sa 7:5; 2Ch 7:4; Psa 84:1-8; Psa 95:6-7; Psa 100:1-5; Mar 11:24-25; Act 1:14; Eph 6:13-20; 1Th 5:16-19; 1Ti 2:1-4)

  • 05. Be visionary

    YWAM is called to be visionary, continually receiving, nurturing and releasing fresh vision from God. We support the pioneering of new ministries and methods, always willing to be radical in order to be relevant to every generation, people group, and sphere of society. We believe that the apostolic call of YWAM requires the integration of spiritual eldership, freedom in the Spirit and relationship, centered on the Word of God. (Num 12:6; 1Sa 12:16; Pro 29:18; Eze 1:1; Hab 2:2 3; Mar 1:35-39; Luk 9:1-6; Act 16:9-10; Act 26:19; 2Pe 3:9-13)

  • 06. Champion young people

    YWAM is called to champion youth. We believe God has gifted and called young people to spearhead vision and ministry. We are committed to value, trust, train, support and make space in order to release them. They are not only the Church of the future; they are the Church of today. We commit to follow where they lead, in the will of God. (1Sa 17:32-50; Ecc 4:13-14; Ecc 12:1-7; Jer 1:5-10; Dan 1:17-20; Joe 2:28; Joh 6:9; Act 16:1-5; 1Ti 4:12-16; 1Jo 2:12-14)

  • 07. Be decentralized

    YWAM is a Christ-centered, faith-based global volunteer movement, united by shared vision, core beliefs, foundational values and relationships. We do not have a centralized structure. Every YWAM ministry has the privilege and spiritual responsibility to develop and maintain healthy relationships with appropriate authorities and circles of elders. (Exo 18:13-26; Num 1:16-19; Num 11:16-17,24-30; Deu 29:10-13; Jos 23:1-24:28; Act 14:23; Act 15:1-31; 1Co 3:4-11; Tit 1:5-9; Heb 13:7,17)

  • 08. Be international and interdenominational

    YWAM is international and interdenominational in its global scope as well as its local constituency. We believe that ethnic, linguistic and denominational diversity, along with redeemed aspects of culture, are positive factors that contribute to the health and growth of the Mission. (Gen 12:1-4; Gen 26:2-5; Psa 57:9-10; Jer 32:27; Dan 7:13-14; Act 20:4; 1Co 12:12-31; Eph 4:1-16; Col 3:11; Rev 7:9)

  • 09. Have a biblical Christian worldview

    YWAM is called to a biblical Christian worldview. We believe that the Bible—the textbook for all of life—makes a clear division between good and evil; right and wrong. The practical dimensions of life are no less spiritual than the ministry expressions. Everything done in obedience to God is spiritual. We seek to honor God with all that we do, equipping and mobilizing men and women of God to take roles of service and influence in every arena of society. (Deu 8:1-3; Deu 32:45-47; 2Ki 22:8; Psa 19:7-11; Luk 8:21; Joh 8:31-32; Php 4:8-9; 2Ti 3:16 17; Heb 4:12-13; Jam 4:17)

  • 10. Function in teams

    YWAM is called to function in teams in all aspects of ministry and leadership. We believe that a combination of complementary gifts, callings, perspectives, ministries and generations working together in unity at all levels of our Mission provides wisdom and safety. Seeking God’s will and making decisions in a team context allows accountability and contributes to greater relationship, motivation, responsibility and ownership of the vision. (Deu 32:30-31; 2Ch 17:7-9; Pro 15:22; Ecc 4:9-12; Mar 6:7-13; Rom 12:3-10; 2Co 1:24; Eph 5:21; Php 2:1-2; 1Pe 4:8)

  • 11. Exhibit servant leadership

    YWAM is called to servant leadership as a lifestyle, rather than a leadership hierarchy. A servant leader is one who honors the gifts and callings of those under his/her care and guards their rights and privileges. Just as Jesus served His disciples, we stress the importance of those with leadership responsibilities serving those whom they lead. (Deu 10:12-13; Psa 84:10; Isa 42:1-4; Mic 6:8; Mar 10:42-45; Joh 13:3-17; Rom 16:1-2; Gal 5:13-14; Php 2:3-11; 1Pe 4:10-11)

  • 12. Do first, then teach

    YWAM is committed to doing first, then teaching. We believe that firsthand experience gives authority to our words. Godly character and a call from God are more important than an individual’s gifts, abilities and expertise. (Deu 4:5-8; Ezr 7:10; Psa 51:12-13; Psa 119:17-18; Pro 1:1-4; Mat 7:28-29; Act 1:1-2; Col 3:12 17; 2Ti 4:1-5; 2Pe 1:5-10)

  • 13. Be relationship-oriented

    YWAM is dedicated to being relationship-oriented in our living and working together. We desire to be united through lives of holiness, mutual support, transparency, humility, and open communication, rather than a dependence on structures or rules. (Lev 19:18; Psa 133:1-3; Pro 17:17; Pro 27:10; Joh 13:34-35; Joh 15:13-17; Joh 17:20-23; Rom 13:8-10; 1Jo 1:7; 1Jo 4:7-12)

  • 14. Value the individual

    YWAM is called to value each individual. We believe in equal opportunity and justice for all. Created in the image of God, people of all nationalities, ages and functions have distinctive contributions and callings. We are committed to honoring God-given leadership and ministry gifts in both men and women. (Gen 1:27; Lev 19:13-16; Deu 16:18-20; Psa 139:13-16; Mar 8:34 37; Act 10:34-35; Gal 3:28; Eph 6:5-9; Heb 2:11-12; Jam 2:1-9)

  • 15. Value families

    YWAM affirms the importance of families serving God together in missions, not just the father and/or mother. We also embrace the inclusion of single-parent families. We encourage the development of strong and healthy family units, with each member sharing the call to missions and contributing their gifts in unique and complementary ways. We uphold and celebrate the biblical view that God’s intent for holy matrimony is between one man and one woman. (Gen 2:21-24; Gen 18:17 19; Deu 6:6-7; Pro 5:15-23; Pro 31:10-31; Mal 2:14-16; Mat 19:3-9; 1Co 7:1-16; 1Ti 3:2-5; Heb 13:4)

  • 16. Practice dependence on God

    YWAM is called to practice a life of dependence upon God for financial provision. For individuals and for any YWAM team or community, this comes primarily through His people. As God has been generous toward us, so we desire to be generous, giving ourselves, our time and talents to God with no expectation of remuneration. (Gen 22:12-14; Exo 36:2-7; Num 18:25-29; Mal 3:8-12; Mat 6:25-33; Luk 19:8-9; 2Co 8:1-9:15; Php 4:10-20; Tit 3:14; 3Jo 5-8)

  • 17. Practice hospitality

    YWAM affirms the ministry of hospitality as an expression of God’s character and the value of people. We believe it is important to open our hearts, homes, YWAM locations and campuses to serve and honor one another, our guests and the poor and needy, not as acts of social protocol, but as expressions of generosity. (Gen 18:1-8; 2Sa 9:1-11; Psa 68:5-6; Pro 22:9; Isa 58:7; Mat 25:31 46; Act 28:7-8; Rom 12:13; Heb 13:1-3; 1Pe 4:9)

  • 18. Communicate with integrity

    YWAM affirms that everything exists because God communicates. Therefore, YWAM is committed to truthful, accurate, timely and relevant communication. We believe good communication is essential for strong relationships, healthy families and communities, and effective ministry. (Gen 1:3-5; Num 23:19; Pro 10:19; Pro 25:9-14; Zec 8:16-17; Mat 5:33-37; Luk 4:16-22; Joh 1:1 5; Col 4:6; Jam 3:1-18)

*Historical Note

Historical Note

Purpose, Beliefs & Values

HISTORICAL NOTE: This document includes the YWAM Statement of Purpose and the Core Beliefs and Foundational Values of Youth With A Mission. 

The YWAM Statement of Purpose was written in the early 1960s. We purposefully never wrote a “Statement of Faith” because we are “an international movement of Christians from many denominations” and wanted simply to clarify why God had called this movement into being.

YWAM’s Core Beliefs and Foundational Values were birthed through a multi-decade process of hearing God and listening to one another. The process of identifying our values was initiated by Darlene Cunningham in 1985 at the time of YWAM’s 25th anniversary, in order to pass them on to successive generations. The document was then approved six years later by the International Council in 1991.

At that time the International Council (IC) was the recognized global eldership of the mission. Since that time the senior circle of global elders has functioned under several different names. First it was the International Council (IC). It was later called the Global Leadership Team (GLT) and then was known as the Global Leadership Forum (GLF). This body was disbanded in Singapore 2014 in order to put in place a flatter, movement framework at the trans-local level in the place of what was becoming an increasingly hierarchical organizational structure. Now there are many circles of spiritual eldership around the mission—many of them known as Area Circle Teams (ACTs). A senior group of elders has been convened by Loren and Darlene Cunningham and is known as the Founders’ Circle (FC).

Throughout these many decades, a primary role of the body of global spiritual elders (whether the IC, GLT, GLF or FC) has been to confirm, steward and safeguard the foundational documents of the mission. Though the FC does not have the governmental oversight of earlier leadership frameworks, it does carry this role of protecting and clarifying our foundational documents.

A history of YWAM’s Values, since first presented by Darlene in 1985 and approved by the IC in 1991, include updates by the GLT in 2003 and the GLF in 2011, 2014. The FC confirmed an update in 2017 during the UofN Workshop in Costa Rica regarding the inclusion of “Service” as one of our responses to our Core Beliefs; and an update in 2018 during YWAM Together in Thailand, which clarifies Value 15. At that same time this new format was adopted so that our Purpose, Core Beliefs, Foundational Values, and the supporting Scriptural references would be presented as a singular document. The above document, approved by the Founders’ Circle in May 2020, clarifies wording in the Statement of Purpose and Values 4, 7, 16 & 17. The January 2022 update was for minor grammatical edits.

This updated document plus the following six covenantal documents form the foundational documents of Youth With A Mission:
• 1988: The Manila Covenant, 
• 1992: The Red Sea Covenant, 
• 2002: The Nanning Covenant, 
• 2010: The Jubilee Covenant, 
• 2014: The Singapore Covenant, and 
• 2014: The Covenant to End Bible Poverty.

YWAM’s identity and mission is further clarified by what we know as the “Four Legacy Words” given by God to Loren Cunningham through the years regarding the “alls” and the “everys” of our call. These are the major words of the Lord, which over our history have guided us and shaped our inheritance as a mission. They include 

• 1. The Covenantal Vision of the Waves, which Loren received in June of 1956 in the Bahamas shortly before his 21st birthday.
• 2. The Call to Disciple Nations through the Seven Spheres of Society (1975),
• 3. The Christian Magna Carta (1981), and 
• 4. The Commitment to End Bible Poverty Now (1967 & 2014).
All of these are rooted in the early days of the mission’s story, and we continue to grow in our understanding and application of these Four Legacy Words.
© 1991 Youth With A Mission; 2003; 2011; 2014; 2017; 2020; 2022.

Thai Culture Facts

General Information

Thai Culture Facts

The national form of greeting in Thailand is the “wai”. It is done by placing the hands palm to palm and raising them to the face. About the level with the mouth or chin is normal, with a slight bow of the head. Quickly discipline yourself to greet with the “wai”, except to younger children, where a smile or nod is sufficient acknowledgement. When greeting, the younger or socially ‘inferior’ greets the elder or socially ‘superior’ first.

NOTE – When bringing USD, it is best to bring $100 and $50 bills as they tend to get the best exchange rate when compared to $20, $10 and $5 bills. As well, the majority of banks and currency exchange counters will only exchange USD bills that have been printed after 2004.

NOTE – When bringing travelers cheques, please be aware that there is usually a $1 – $2 USD fee for each cheque regardless of the amount.

NOTE – If you are looking for a hassle-free and secure way to handle your teams funds while here, we recommend that you use an ATM card issued by your local bank. UPDATE – Please be advised that Thai banks are now charging a 150 baht surcharge fee every time you withdraw money. This is on top of any fees that your local bank may levy or any international fees. This means that you could potentially pay up to $10 USD per withdrawal.

Visa debit cards are also useful as they can be used at many stores although a 3% surcharge will be added. Credit cards are also widely accepted. When booking travel tickets through a travel agency, if you use a credit card, they will also charge you a 3% surcharge.

The local currency is currently rated at around US $1.00 = 35 baht. For the most recent currency exchange rate, please visit: http://www.bangkokbank.com/

Thais consider the head as the most honorable part of the body. Therefore it is a great insult to touch a person’s head, reach over it or point at a person’s face. If you accidentally forget and do so, politely beg his or her pardon. If necessary to reach for something above someone’s head, say “excuse me” first.

Further details on how much to budget per month can be found in the attached Budget document. For further information, please contact Talent Trust at – http://www.talent-trust.com.

The foot is considered to be “dirty” by Thais. It is the lowest part of the body. Never point your foot (especially the bottom of the foot) at someone, refer to it or draw attention to it unnecessarily. Never move anything with your foot or step over someone if they are sitting on the floor. Sit cross-legged or fold your legs to the side, when sitting on the floor. Do not sit with your legs extended out in front of you. Always remove your shoes before entering a house.

Please recognize that learning the Thai language is of daily benefit to you as you will be able to order food, travel around, communicate with locals, share your testimony etc.

The YWAM Thailand National Office has an official Thai language teacher that provides you the opportunity to learn ‘on site’. By studying at the YWAM Thailand National Office, you are able to save on travel expenses and travel time. We typically prefer all Culture and Language Phase students to study 4 day a week, 2 hours per day. NOTE – You do have the option of studying as an individual or with a classmate (if available).

However, if you are on a tight budget, and are unable to meet the stated language budget as mentioned in the Budget document (that was sent to you earlier), then further options may be discussed with you. NOTE – While we do believe that studying with our official Thai language teacher is the best option for you, we do understand that some students may prefer a group (10+ people) classroom setting.

Buddhist monks are forbidden to touch or be touched by a woman, or to accept anything from the hand of one. If a woman has to give anything to a monk, she first hands it to a man, who then presents it. Women do not sit down next to a monk (eg. on a bus). When speaking to a monk, be sure to leave space between you and him.

Since Buddhism is the national religion in Thailand, all Buddha images, large and small, in good or bad condition, are regarded as sacred objects. Do not climb up on them to take a photograph or do anything that will show disrespect to Buddhism and indirectly to the Thai people. Showing disrespect to Buddhism and other religions is against the law and could cause you to be deported!

Please consult with your ministry leader to confirm if you will need to pay staff fees.

The Thais have a deep respect for the Royal Family and they love their king and queen. We therefore need to show respect for the members of the royal family also. Never talk about the royal family when Thais are present. Even if what we say is positive it may be misinterpreted and may offend the Thais. When in government buildings, in parks or on university campuses, the National Anthem is played at 8am and 6pm and everyone stops what they are doing and stands still and at attention, in respect. This includes the Ram 2 campus where we are located. Do NOT step on money because it has the king’s image/head on it and this would be VERY disrespectful.

There have been several individuals in the past who were unaware of their tax obligations and ended up having to pay some very steep back taxes and penalties. We want to do all that we can to ensure that this does not happen again. If you need assistance, a tax accountant can be recommended to you. He is based in the US and assists several of our staff already.

Bargaining is not done in departmental stores or up-scale shops. However, bargaining is done in markets and in small shops set up along the streets. Do not bargain with food vendors on the street. Find out the price before you order food. The same goes for taking motorcycle taxis. It is good to ask someone who has lived here for a while about the approximate costs in order to determine of what is a fair price to pay.

While there are many embassies and consulates around the world, there are some that we would recommend that you try to avoid. We would not recommend that you apply for your visa at the embassy in Los Angeles, California due to many previous failed attempts. However, we would recommend that you consider trying the Thai embassy or consulate in the following locations:

Portland, Oregon
Honolulu, Hawaii
Denver, Colorado
Chicago, Illinois

If you do receive a one-year, multiple-entry, non-immigrant Type “O” visa, you will still be required to exit Thailand every 90 days as part of the visa restrictions. Each time you re-enter the country, until the expiration date of your visa, you will receive an additional 90 day stay in Thailand. In most cases, these “visa runs” may be accomplished in one day or less. When your current one-year, multiple-entry, non-immigrant Type “O” visa expires, you will need to go to one of the above listed cities / countries or return to your home country in order to apply for another one.

Many of our long-term staff still do not have missionary visas and they are required to do these “visa run” trips, as well.  Once you are in Thailand, at your specific ministry location, your ministry leader will be able to give you the exact costs of such a trip as well as advice on the best way for you to get there.

If you do not receive the one-year, multiple-entry, non-immigrant Type “O” visa, please contact the YWAM Thailand National Office administrator (office@ywamthailand.org); and they will assist you through alternative options.

Hand-holding between a man and woman is acceptable but no other public displays of affection are appropriate in Thai culture. However, you will often see members of the same sex holding hands, etc. This usually does not imply homosexual feelings but rather is a sign of friendship.

Thais call any Caucasian visitors “farangs”, derived from the word for the French people that came during the time of French Indochina. Thais love to ask “farang” and other visitors questions. Most questions are quite routine but others can appear quite shocking to foreigners who like to protect their personal privacy. The questions “Where are you going?” or “Where have you been?” or “Have you eaten lately?” are really a kind of greeting and they do not demand a detailed explanation. Other more prying questions such as “Why are you so fat?” or “Why are you not married yet?” or “How much money do you make?” or “What kind of birth-control do you use?” are quite normal questions in Thailand and are not considered nosy. A straightforward answer is not always expected and you can make a bit of a joke about it.

Thais place a high priority on neatness and cleanliness and are rather sensitive to body odor. It is not uncommon to shower several times a day here. The better you dress the more respect you will get in any level of society. One of the major differences between Thai culture and western culture is that long pants are worn in almost all settings. Shorts are worn only to play sports. When doing ministry, you will need to be especially careful about your attire and make sure you are not “sloppy”. Please ask your leaders for appropriate specific dress codes, since this will be different for each location.

In Thailand, it is not polite to show emotion in public. Thais are especially offended when one openly displays anger. So guard your tongue (Psalm 141:3 “Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips”) and learn to control your emotions. One angry outburst directed at a Thai could cancel your influence with that person and those who observed your behavior.

If people are sitting on the floor in a meeting, it is best to walk around the outside of the group. Do not step over people or books on the floor.

When visiting Thais in their home (or when they are visiting your home), it is the host’s responsibility to give the guest something to drink. Failure to do so is a breach of common courtesy. It is not the guest’s responsibility to drink the water, and it is acceptable not to, especially if you are not sure whether the water is pure.

When visiting Thai homes, especially if you are invited for a meal, it is customary to bring some fruit or small desserts. When in doubt about questions of etiquette, ask the YWAM staff or a Thai. It is common for a Thai person to invite you to eat rice with them. Often, the Thai person is only trying to be polite and expects you to refuse the offer. It is good to politely say, “No, thank-you…” If the Thai person persists, then they genuinely want you to accept the invitation. The same is true in the reverse. If you ask a Thai person to eat with you, often they will decline the first offer, but accept the second or third.

The Thai people are very group-oriented, compared to western individualism. Young Thais are going to share little snacks with you, and they sort of expect you to do the same with them. Try to become a cheerful giver, when you buy a bag of chips, some chocolates, etc.

To call a taxi or a person, signal them with a palm down, hand waving action. Do not use your index finger to call someone or to point somewhere or at somebody.

Be aware of the volume of your voice as some foreigners tend to speak loudly compared to Thai norms. It is basically impolite to shout, yell, or speak loudly in public. Go talk to the person instead of shouting to them. It is also considered impolite to laugh loudly in public.

When using the public dressing room, such as a pool changing room, use the changing stalls provided, as nudity is considered impolite.

Gifts are generally opened in private, not in front of the giver.

The Thais consider it poor manners to sit on a chair with your legs crossed, extended out in front of you, especially if you are bouncing your foot up and down. When sitting on the floor, sit as discretely as possible. Always try to sit on the same level as others. If someone is seated when you enter the room it is desirable to be seated as soon as possible. This is especially true if the person of higher status or older than you. If you disregard this, you will be thought rude.

It is impolite to pass something by tossing it to a person or pushing it toward them with the foot. When passing something, use your right hand, since using your left hand for passing things is rude because of cultural toilet practices.

Thais place great emphasis on politeness and respect for elders and those in authority. From an early age, they are taught to respect superiors, parents, teachers and the elderly. The emphasis in relationships is vertical rather than horizontal. In other words, Thais are concerned about fitting properly into society. Deference, avoidance of conflict and a desire to please people are all hallmarks of the Thai character. Therefore, when meeting people of higher status, it is wise to remember to address them politely and with respect. Remember to smile and “wai”.

Generosity is a sign of an important person. Don’t be stingy.

Generally, Thais accept their lot in life without resentment. They are usually good-natured and give the appearance that they are carefree (which is not always the case.) There is a sense of fatalism in their attitude towards life, which comes from the Buddhist concept of karma. That is, one’s past deeds bring consequences, both bad and good, to one’s present life. Trouble and suffering are believed to be a result of bad karma, while prosperity results from good karma.

Help should not be offered verbally. If you see that you could be of help, help! If you ask first, the person will refuse and say “never mind”, because they want to be considerate and do not wish to bother anyone. Your desire to help is noted and appreciated if you actually take the opportunity to be helpful.

Thailand is known as “The Land of Smiles”. To the foreigner who is unfamiliar with Thai culture, it may seem that the Thais are always smiling. Smiles have a variety of meanings in Thai society: to indicate amusement, to excuse and give pardon for minor offenses, to thank someone for a small service, to avoid comment on issues, or to show embarrassment, etc. Smile when you greet people and if people smile at you, smile back. Thai hearts (like most other hearts *grin*) are more open when they are met with heartfelt friendliness.

The concept of “Face” is most important in Thai culture. Keeping one’s “Face” is equivalent to keeping one’s self-respect and dignity intact. Thais will go great lengths to ensure that, as much as possible, neither you nor they will lose “Face”. In fact, almost anywhere you go in Asia, you will find this concept important. This means that Thais will rarely confront even when you have offended them. Therefore, confrontation must be done with great care to avoid shaming a Thai friend. It is best to ask a “farang” who has lived in Thailand for several years for advice if you feel confrontation is necessary.

The Thais are very relationship oriented. That means that unless they feel like you want to be their friend first, they are usually not going to be interested in the Gospel. Do NOT start sharing the Gospel with them before you have asked them about their family, where they live, their hobbies, school etc.

Remember that Thailand is a Buddhist country and many of our concepts concerning God are very difficult for them to grasp and understand especially Christian cliches. When sharing your testimony, keep it simply and to the point.

When explaining the Gospel, we have found it best to start from the very beginning of creation, attempting to explain God and His purpose for creating the universe and man. Just keep in mind that most Thai people have no Christian background whatsoever.

Never argue with them about Buddhism or say anything negative about Buddha or compare him to Jesus. That will only create resentment. Thai people believe in reincarnation, karma, merit, ancestor worship, ghosts of many kinds and much more. Remember when sharing with a Thai don’t get bogged down trying to figure out all these things, just stay focused on your testimony and the love of God. When it comes right down to it, Thai people have an emptiness in their hearts which only God can fill. They need to know that God loves them and wants a personal relationship with them.

Here are some Thai words that may be helpful for you.(ph is pronounced with a ‘p’ sound not like an ‘F’)

God = phra jaaw

Jesus = phra yesu

Love = khwaam rak

Sin = khwaam baap

Hell = narok

Grace = phra khun

heaven = sawaan

church = boat

God loves you = Phra jaaw song rak khun


What to know

General Information

Make God Known

YWAM is called to make God known throughout the whole world, and into every arena of society through evangelism, training and mercy ministries. We believe that salvation of souls should result in transformation of societies thus obeying Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. (1Ch 16:24-27; Psa 68:11; Psa 71:15-16; Psa 145:4-7; Mat 28:18-20; Mar 16:15; Act 1:8; Act 13:1-4a; Rom 10:8-15; Rom 15:18-21)

วายแวมรับการทรงเรียกที่จะทำให้ทั่วทั้งโลกได้รู้จักพระเจ้า และให้ถึงสังคมทุกด้านผ่านทางการประกาศ การฝึกอบรมและพันธกิจเมตตา เราเชื่อว่าจิตวิญญาณที่ได้รับความรอดนั้นควรยังผลในการเปลี่ยนแปลงของสังคม เราทำเช่นนั้นได้โดยการเชื่อฟังพระเยซูด้วยการสร้างคนในทุกชาติให้เป็นสาวก (1 พงศาวดาร 16:24-27; สดุดี 68:11; สดุดี 71:15-16; สดุดี 145:4-7; มัทธิว 28:18-20; มาระโก 16:15; กิจการ 1:8; กิจการ 13:1-4a; โรม 10:8-15; โรม 15:18-21)

Ministry name






YWAM is committed to know God, His nature, His character and His ways as revealed in the Bible, the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We seek to reflect who He is in every aspect of our lives and ministry. The automatic overflow of knowing and enjoying fellowship with God is a desire to share Him with others. (2Ki 19:19; Job 42:5; Psa 46:10; Psa 103:7-13; Jer 9:23-24; Hos 6:3; Joh 17:3; Eph 1:16-17; Php 3:7-11; 1Jo 2:4-6)

วายแวมอุทิศตนต่อการรู้จักพระเจ้า อุปนิสัย พระลักษณะ และวิถีทางของพระองค์  ดังที่ได้สำแดงผ่านทางพระคัมภีร์ไบเบิ้ล ซึ่งถือเป็นถ้อยคำที่ได้รับการดลใจและมีสิทธิอำนาจจากพระเจ้า เราแสวงหาที่จะสำแดงถึงพระเจ้าในทุกด้านของชีวิตและในพันธกิจของเรา  ครั้นรู้จักกับพระเจ้าและอยู่ในการสามัคคีธรรมกับพระองค์แล้ว เราจะปรารถนาที่จะแบ่งปันเกี่ยวกับพระเจ้าสู่ผู้อื่นได้เป็นอัตโนมัติ (2 พงศ์กษัตริย์  19:19; โยบ 42:5; สดุดี 46:10; สดุดี103:7-13; เยเรมีย์ 9:23-24; โฮเซยา 6:3; ยอห์น 17:3; เอเฟซัส 1:16-17; ฟิลิปปี 3:7-11; 1ยอห์น 2:4-6)

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