The Leadership Development Team (LDT)
As the YWAM Leadership Development Team (LDT), we are committed to help you reach all that God has called you to BE and to DO in this nation.
Our LDT vision is to see leaders and emerging leaders empowered, equipped and effective so that you can live out your God-given destiny, inspiring others to live out theirs, influencing and impacting all spheres of society.
We can help you and your teams discover your giftings, personalities, strengths and weaknesses. We can walk beside you as you figure out your goals, create vision statements, overcome obstacles and make your dreams become reality.
We offer training seminars, such as DISC, Myers Briggs, strategic planning, team building, goal-setting, self-leadership, conflict resolution and more. We are happy to provide coaching, mentoring, consulting and debriefing to you and your teams. We are working towards training to be able to offer spiritual direction as well.
What is Coaching? Coaching is about drawing out potential, recognising and affirming that people are resourceful, creative and capable of meeting their goals.
It is about coming beside someone and helping them move forward to meet their personal and ministry goals through listening and asking powerful questions.
What is Mentoring? Mentoring is an intentional relationship in which a mentor imparts knowledge, skills or values from their experience to another person who wants to develop their potential.
What is Debriefing? Debriefing is a time for reflection and evaluation of a season of life or of an experience to help bring understanding and closure so that those involved can move on to the next step.
What is Spiritual Direction? Christian Spiritual Direction is an opportunity to have a conversation about your experience, understanding and relationship with Christ, helping you to see His presence and leading in your life, your challenges, losses, joys and accomplishments. The goal is to restore and deepen your experience with Christ.
Other resources we are connected with include:
Leadership Development Course (LDC)
Coaching Mission International (CMI) and
Asia Leaders Learning Community (ALLC).
If you’d like support in moving forward in your personal and ministry goals or would like to talk to us more about any of the above please contact any one of us at the email addresses below.
Ian Talbot
Linda Herrmann
Averyl Aeria
Cindy Porter
Phil Porter